Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pondering an Experiment

OK. So I am considering trying to be a vegetarian for 7 days. I have recently had some tasty vegetarian meals, and have also read some articles about the environmental and health benefits of this diet.

Two challenges I will need to overcome:
1. My schedule, with work events etc I think it’s going to be tricky and
2. I love meat.

Originally I had considered a month, but that sounds like a really long time. 7 days sounds doable. And a vegan experiment was 100% out of the question.

I will need recipes and promise to update you when and if this experiment commences.

I’m thinking next week. I will keep you posted.



tonya said...

You are brave and I aspire to this commitment. We are flextarian by eating 2 days a week meat free. Sometimes its a challenge.

My best advice. Plan ahead. Seems that nothing I know how to make on a moments notice and a shoestring are vegetarian -- except maybe macaroni and cheese.

JillR said...

Good for you. It's really easy, once you get a few staple meals in place. Brands to try: Yves, Field Roast, Quorn. Pasta and stir fry are always easy vegetarian options.

Jim Wilson said...

Good for you Hans. I occasionally eat chicken and turkey even though I wanted to give them up in 2011. I still eat fish on occasion. I don't like to cook so it's pretty easy for me to eat fruits, vegetables and grains. Meat = cooking.