Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rum Diary

I saw Rum Diary last night. The just released movie of Hunter S Thompson's novel of the same name. Thompson was known for the Gonzo style of journalism. The movie tag line is "Absolutely nothing in moderation." That sums it up quite nicely. The movie is nicely filmed. The acting is superb. I only mentally drifted away once. It's worth seeing.


Coming Attractions:
I decried the remaking of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Americans don't like subtitles and all that... However, the preview for the movie is very engaging. Especially the use of Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song I will definitely see it. Eye candy extraordinaire Daniel Craig plays the reporter. Enough said.

Here's the link.

1 comment:

tonya said...

Maybe we will get a chance to watch Dragon Tatoo remake together!