Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo

I saw The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo last night. Visually, it's vivid, to say the least. Gone is the grittiness of the original Swedish version. But, heh, film makers are entitled to their own point of view. The new version is extremely graphic so beware. The most stunning part of the movie is the opening credits set to The Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin as performed by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails fame. It's a long movie, but worth seeing.

***.25 out of 5.

Happy New Year

1 comment:

tonya said...

We went yesterday. It was good. Bob was confused thinking it was another in the Swedish series and thought the plot seemed "familiar". After I explained it was the American version it made a bit more sense to him.