Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dam Fascinating

Here's a link in case it doesn't show up.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Two Posts In One Day

It's fire season. This is a great time lapse video of the Olympic Mountains and the Big Hump fire. Hang in there, it gets interesting about half way through. Courtesy of Cliff Mass's blog.

Signs of Summer

Summer finally arrived a few weeks ago. I went water skiing on Labor Day this year at Lake Cushman. The video was taken with a phone so it's not that great.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

While running,

Weeks ago while running, I came across this on the side of the road.

I found the meaning of the four of hearts on the internets.

FOUR OF HEARTS - INSPIRATION - That spark of genius that arises when one is touched by love.