Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We arrived in Seattle yesterday. We were looking forward to seeing snow, but it is all gone here at Jill's. Monna still has snow and got some more this morning. A result of her living in the Puget Sound Convergence Zone, for all you weather freaks. We were excited to see everyone especially Tatum. She opened her presents and wanted to wear the sweater. She is still the cutest.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Snow in Fargo

We've already had a little bit of snow this winter. Here is a picture of our mailbox. I can safely say that I'm tired of snow.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Visit to Aiken

Bill and I went to Aiken yesterday to see Dad and Elsie. Here is a video of the exterior of their house. I will post a couple interior shots once I edit the Flip video I took.

Dad in his new "shed" 12/26/08

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a peaceful and happy day.

Love to all

Jim, Bill, Calvin, Leo and Joe-Lean

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

When was the last time

you thought about Mitzi Gaynor

Yes, she has an official site.

Awesome Intelligence

I posted a link to Paul Krugman's blog (over to the right). He is this year's Nobel Prize winner for economics and is advising the Obama economic team. He actually writes about economics and economic policy in a way that is understandable. He is of the Keynesian school of economics. Check him out if you want to find cogent reasons for a massive stimulus. Trickle down didn't really work so well. Let's try trickle up for awhile.

If you don't agree that a massive stimulus is needed, maybe he can convince you otherwise. If not, that's okay. We'll see what works.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow in Seattle...

Check out all our snow! Very unusual for Seattle.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

To Those Who Have Snow

We have the air conditioning on!

Building Update

I promise the blog won't turn into a building blog.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday Night Buble


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Canton Scrapes the Sky

The Empire State Building was finished during the Great Depression. It was seen as a symbol of optimism in a very bleak time. Not to be outdone, Canton has its own symbol of optimism during this very uncertain time. Okay, it is over a 100 stories shorter. And, it is taking a grand total of two iron workers and a crane operator to erect the skeleton (or whatever what do you call it).

Anyway, those of you who have visited, may remember the "hole" in the ground by our favorite hoagie shop. That's where the 3 story structure is being built. According to our dry cleaner, who is also a neighbor of the "hole", it's been empty since around 1950 when the big fire swept through downtown.

In all seriousness, I applaud the company that is taking the risk and building in downtown Canton. Of course, it will be on the Canton City tour for all of our visitors. I'll keep you updated.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lots of Snow in Victorville

It's been snowing all day in Victorville. Here are Henry and Buddy, best friends, playing in the snow.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Some cool pics of Mt. Rainier

Thought Jim might like to see these cool pics. Nature is just amazing!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pop Quiz

I try to stay current with pop music. However, most of it bores me. I do like this song and it is current.

I do have a question. Is, "If I were a boy" correct grammatically? Bill and I discussed it yesterday and thought that it probably is correct, but it still doesn't sound quite right to my ear. Any thoughts?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Joyce's Grandson

Notice on Carl "Alex" Morelli-Saurdiff from the Salt Lake Tribune

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Night Electronica

Have an electric weekend!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Newsweek takes a stand

We've been Newsweek subscribers a while now. Saw this weeks' cover story this morning online....

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Hanukkah!

We don't have a tree to show off, but we did decorate our house a bit for Hanukkah. I didn't take many good pictures of the house, but I did get a good one of Henry. I decorated him, too! He loves his Hanukkah sweater and dreidel toy. Gotta love Target...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tree Update

Well it is almost finished! Jim had to go three times to get more lights, and the tree has over 3,000 this year! Man it is hard work being festive! It looks better in person, so I guess everyone will just have to visit us to see for yourself!

Happy Holidays!

It's a Start

We got our tree yesterday and had planned to decorate it last night. Bill's niece, Lori, was going to help during her visit. Instead, we ended up crashing a party at our friends Jeff and Cory's house. So, here's the state of the tree today. Perhaps, it should be about the process this year instead of the result. Tonya reminded me that they were here last year when we decorated the tree after going to a party at Bruce's. Bruce was a fellow Friday night diner at El Caporal. We still are mourning the loss of El Caporal. Last year we ended up with just lights on the tree as we stopped decorating after Bob and Tonya left. If past is prologue, will the tree be bare? Stayed tuned...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Surprising Calm

I have spent the last eight years bouncing from disbelief to fear to anger to sorrow. The country that always seemed to have a place for me and other outsiders seemed to grow increasingly unfriendly and downright dangerous. With torture, wiretapping, extraordinary rendition, climate change denial, the justice department full of political apparatchiks, family planning by religious fiat, war crimes, endless war and just old fashioned meanness, I found hope and grace difficult to hold on to. I was raised and educated to think and form opinions about politics and current events. While I was often in opposition to the powers that be, I always felt that change was just around the corner and that the people had a voice. Over the last eight years, that feeling of possibility diminished. Dread and fear replaced it. That is what made me feel that this election was about the life or death of this great experiment we call The United States. And, on election night, instead of an overwhelming sense of joy, I felt an awkward calm. One huge sigh of relief. Hope really can triumph over fear. Openness can replace repression. Our leaders can be the brightest, most curious and competent among us. The common good does have a place in our society. It's just the beginning, but what a great one it is. Many have said the adults are back in charge. I would like to think that a new genius pool like the one that started this country has manifested itself from the audacious will and hope of the American people. Yes, WE did it.

Albeit with a measured and healthy skepticism of those in power, we can now concentrate on the business of our daily lives.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Late to the party...

I heard an interview with Susan Tedeschi on the radio today*. She is fabulous. She has been around awhile, but I am just discovering her. More posts as I find them.

*I took my car to get serviced so I was in the car awhile. 30 mins each way.


I heard this on the radio today. I always liked it. Happy Friday everyone.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sad News

I got an email from Joyce yesterday telling me that her grandson, Alex Saurdiff, was killed in a motorcycle accident on Monday. He would have have been 21 on December 27th. He was Brian's oldest son. Joyce and Mel are going to Salt Lake City to be with his family.

Our love and thoughts are with Joyce and her family.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Every once in awhile...

we need some heart warming news.

Have a Listen

It's nice

Margot & the Nuclear So and So's

Kinda Quiet

It snowed today. No accumulation. Other than that, not much new. You?

For your enjoyment.