Saturday, April 30, 2011

Theone Edelle Christian Bernard

Mom would be 80 today. To me she will be Forever Young!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Macho Piper

I am testing out blogging from my iPad using Blogsy...pretty cool.

A pround brother

It is with great pride that I announce that as of yesterday, Steffen is officially a PHD candidate at the University of Michigan. On Tuesday Steffen presented his research before a panel of professors and answered their questions. There were three options, 1. Pass, 2. Pass with conditions, 3. Don’t Pass

My brother passed. I could not be prouder or more excited for him. Full disclosure, I have very little understanding of what Steffen does, so Steff - feel free to correct me if any of this is wrong.

At least 1 time a week I hear myself saying: My little brother will rule the world one day. He has the magic combination of being a gifted scientist and being able to hold a conversation.

Well done Steffen. We are all very proud. Also - thanks to Kate for putting up with him and supporting him.

Love to all

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Phoebe Snow died today. Makes me sad. Have a listen.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Coast

Charley had his first trip to the coast this weekend. We played, and ran, and splashed, chased balls, and seagulls. I don't think we left any sand at the beach....but it was a wonderful way to spend a beautiful spring Sat.

Sorry for the constant barrage of puppy pictures. I promise to limit them.


Thought for today from "Let The Great World Spin" by Colum McCann.

"All the lives we could live, all the people we will never know, never will be, they are everywhere. That is what the world is"

- Aleksander Hermon,
The Lazarus Project

I spoke with Joyce yesterday. She and Mel were in Seattle for Mel's brother's 50th wedding anniversary. She mentioned that Sharon had been sick. I had no idea. I will call her today and update the blog.

Easter - We had a nice family gathering at Monna's yesterday. Jill, Tim, Tatum, Piper, Brandon, Brian and Monna. Good food and a relaxing morning. Nice.

Boat - I have moved off the boat. It was a great idea, but some electrical issues made it problematic. I am now looking for an apartment.

Job - Great. A whole new world.

Weather - Saturday was absolutely gorgeous. It was one of those days that make you forget about the previous 6 months of gray, wet, bone chilling cold. A taste of weather to come.


St. Marks Cathedral decorated for Easter. I love the understatement of the Episcopalians. I usually go to Compline on Sunday nights. Only chanting.

Spring in Fremont

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 2 - Success. A tired dog!

Sunday night I didnt get much sleep so I was pretty tired after work yesterday. On the way home I got an espresso to keep me awake and then my friend Kiel came over around 7. We took Charley on a 3.5 mile run. Both puppy and Hans were whipped. It did the trick. Around 10:30 pm he was out for the night. It's an adjustment, but I think I can do this.
Love to all.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Welcome to Portland

Joy! Today a bundle of happiness arived from Alaska. I have agreed to help my family by taking care of my Dad's puppy for as long as needed. I picked him up at the airport this evening and took this picture on the ride home. I am SO happy to have him here with me... and looking forward to the challenge, responsibility, and lifestyle change that his care will require. Dad named him Buddy... but while he is with me he will be known as Charley. (In other news, I will be nominating my roomate Ryan for sainthood - he has been so gracious and excited about this endevor)

I promise to send more pictures. Love to all, Hans

Friday, April 15, 2011

Snow plow drivers must be bored

They've started plowing the water on the roads.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Moving Day

I am moving to the boat today. Change is all around me. Many many many thanks to the Randalls for hosting me for almost a year. According to my journal, I arrived here May 4, 2010. What a year!

Employment News - micro view. Bookey Consulting, my employer, has operated out of my boss's home for 22 years. Yesterday she signed a deal for office space at Bellevue Place downtown Bellevue. I will start working from there May 1. It's about 6 - 8 blocks from where Jill works. Albeit, Bellevue blocks are long. I am excited to work close to her.

Yesterday, I rode with her to Bellevue. When we got to Bellevue we saw this car. It had snow on it. As someone said, it's been cold or wet or both for months.

Employment news - macro view. I was with a group of friends last evening. Two people announced that they had found jobs. I hear a lot of that these days. Perhaps things are turning around.

Music News: Buy 21 by Adelle. It's the record of the year.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Boat is Online

I am using Clearwire for my internet access. I set it up today. Couldn't have been easier. It's appears to be nice and fast. Next task is installing AppleTV. Day 1 on the boat will be April 8th.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I am going to rent Tim and Jill's boat for the summer. I'll be moving next weekend. I'll post some more photos once I am moved. In the meantime, here is the entrance to the dock.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

California Girls

In honor of Tonya's trip to the correct coast.