Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Friday

Good morning. It's Friday and the Oscars are Sunday.

Spring approaches.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Part of my daily commute is a 15 minute walk. Two photos from the "nature" part.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

AppleTV Frustrates Me, Movies and My Social Life

First of all. The visual piece because every post has to have a photo. Tatum and Uncle Jim with JP Patches. If you grew up in Seattle in the 60's, you know who he is.

It's another beautiful day in Seattle. Sunny with a high temp in the 50's.

Last night I decided to do my laundry and watch Moneyball on AppleTV. "Doing laundry on Saturday night?", you might ask with eyebrows raised. Well, it happens. One's social life ebbs and flows. Mine is ebbing right now. But, I digress. So, I was watching Moneyball and at 59:37 minutes into the movie, I get the scrolling circle of "oh, crap, it's buffering and AppleTV can buffer for what seems like a long time". Then, I get message that says Moneyball will be ready in 3 hours and 29 minutes. Whatever!

I switched to an episode of MI-5 while I was folding my laundry. Then watched Saturday Night Live through Weekend Update. I think the quality of Saturday Night Live is also ebbing. Just like my social life. Although, there was a bit on Downton Abbey which was funny.

I finished Moneyball this morning. It's a great movie. Jonah Hill is wonderful in it. Of course, Brad Pitt is impeccable. I think that he has his star thing under control while Clooney doesn't. Anyway, here are my current rankings for Oscar nominated movies. I have created some new categories:

"Okay films but never should have been nominated, but they don't ask me"
"I didn't see these movies and don't plan to"

Films that were nominated for best picture. My Rankings
1. "Hugo"- See comments in last post.
2. "The Tree of Life" - See comments in last post.
2. "The Help" - See comments in last post.
3. "Midnight in Paris" - See comments in last post.
4. "Moneyball" - Nice film. Jonah Hill rocks. Brad Pitt is great.

"Okay films but never should have been nominated, but they don't ask me"
"The Descendants" - See comments in last post.
"The Artist" - See comments in last post.

"I didn't see these movies and don't plan to"

"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" - see comments in last post.
"War Horse" - see comments in last post.


"Melancholia" - Obliteratingly great. Should have been nominated.
"We Were Here" - For those who don't remember the 80's, had their head in the sand, or it was just too painful, a moving account of what AIDS did to my contemporaries. The movie was a reminder to me to be thankful for each day.
"Bridesmaids" - I do think women can be raunchier than men. Delightfully so.
"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy - Wonderful period piece. Intelligent.

It's Superbowl Sunday. I am going to watch the game with friends. Two of them who aren't football fans but love to entertain. Madonna better be good. TMZ is already slamming her and she hasn't performed yet.

Enjoy the hype. See you 'round the pool.