Sunday, January 29, 2012

Did Facebook Kill the Blog?

I was thinking that maybe Facebook has killed the blog. FB is certainly more real time and connects people in a much more collaborative and conversational fashion. I mentioned it to Jill and she opined that a blog still has a use when you want to discuss something at length. I see the point. So, I am not going to shut down WarroadRoots. And, the subject of this post is Best Picture nominations.

Best Picture
"The Artist" - Nice film. Nice premise. Weak storyline. I wanted it to end before it did. Perhaps, a gimmick.
"The Descendants" - George, George, George. Over-hyped. Over-rated. Almost over Clooney. Nice movie, but does not belong is the category.
"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" - Haven't seen it. Won't see it. Just can't get past Tom Hanks.
"Hugo"- Movie making magic. Have to go with this for best picture.
"Midnight in Paris" - Great movie. Owen Wilson rose to the occasion.
"The Help" - What can be said? Every American should see it.
"Moneyball" - haven't seen it yet. Hope to.
"War Horse" - Won't see it. I really don't want to watch Horses get slaughtered in man's attempt to kill one another.
"The Tree of Life" - Ok, be prepared to work to watch it. It's like reading War and Peace which I have never finished. I did finish The Tree of Life while others walked out of it. See it.

So, Hugo is my pick. I haven't seen Moneyball, but I don't think it will match Hugo.

More picks later.

And here's a picture just to make the post visual.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Seem like a long time

It has been a long time since I have posted. I started a new job four weeks ago with Providence Health & Services. A great and large organization - 55,000 employees. Yes, I am now working for nuns. I never thought I would work for a faith based organization. However, I am and it's proving to be very worthwhile and engaging.

I am working in Renton. After all these years, I have ended up working a few miles from where I grew up. Well, I am not sure how much I grew up there. I think most of the "growing up" occurred much later in life. Anyway...I went into work today as my area is extremely busy. This was the view out my window.

After 2 1/2 hours I decided to head home as I didn't want to get stuck at work. Here was the view out of my apartment window around 1:30 pm.

It's a winter wonderland out there. I think the temperature is dropping and so the city will probably shut down.

I was watching the Packers lose today. Condolences to my friends Shafel and Keven who are both from Wisconsin and big time cheeseheads. The San Francisco - New Orleans game yesterday was very exciting. I hope San Francisco beats the Giants

During the game I decided that homemade soup would hit the spot. I walked to the grocery store and bought the ingredients for Weekday Vegetable Soup. I have started cooking as it's less expensive than eating out and a lot healthier too. Anyway, my soup is simmering. Here's a photo of it.

And now for you Rod Stewart (when he was being authentic) fans

Movie Reviews

Since seeing The Girl with the (too long) Tatoo, I have seen

Sherlock Holmes
. Well worth seeing. It was fun.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - Excellent. Great period film. The critics sort of panned it. I thought it was brilliant and engrossing.

One more thing. The soup was delicious.