Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Any update from Fargo?

It looks downright awful there! I'm so sorry. I hope everyone is safe. Please keep us posted.


tonya said...

Today is scary. Down right scary! A diversion ditch approximately 8 blocks or so from us is protected and safe to 41 feet. With the udpated crest forcast now at 41 feet that MUST get to 43 feet of protection in the next 24-48 hours. We may also be forced to evacuate before the contingincy dike goes in so that we can get out.

My level of anxiety is off the chart tonight. Neighbor helping neighbor to bring things upstairs may be the theme of the night.

AFter throwing sandbags for four hours in the snow this afternoon we are sort of not really excited about moving furniture, but I guess we must.

BillsSundaySuppers said...

Sorry to hear and wish we were there to help! Stay safe, and keep us updated. Also, let us know if there is anything we can do!

Jim Wilson said...

Wow. I am sorry that you are having to move furniture on top of everything else. We're thinking about you1

JillR said...

The pictures on the internet are just amazing. It looks cold, wet and miserable there. I was looking up your address on google earth and trying to understand how close to the river you guys are. Are you between two rivers? I can't even imagine what you guys are experiencing. I hope for your sake that you move the furniture, but it turns out to not be necessary. Thinking about you here in Seattle.

Bob said...

To give you some perspective, we are about 7 blocks north from the levee on 52nd Ave, which is the hold line for overland flooding and about 5 blocks south from Drain 27 which is supposed to divert Rose Creek Coulee to the southwest of Fargo. Drain 27 is our main worry as it is barely high enough to handle the crest and has to be raised 2 feet over about a mile stretch in the next day.