Sunday, June 6, 2010

Anyone Have Experiance Building an Ark?

OK. I'm serious. I think its time to start collecting animals two by two and build a big boat. Anyone in the pacific NW knows what I am talking about. Today is June 5th. Portland broke the record rainfall for the MONTH of June on the 3rd. Yesterday we had a nice day of sun and warm weather, but today we are back to the rain. Here is what the sidewalk looked like outside this morning. I had to walk to the corner store to get coffee filters because we were out. Turns out the corner store was out too. Just not my day I guess.


Hans said...

Update: Portland has recieved 1.5 inches of rain today.

Jim Wilson said...

We haven't had that much rain, but it's pretty gray and damp. It's not cold. That is one positive thing.


tonya said...

Just remember: no matter how cold and wet your, you are always warm and dry

Bob said...

So that's where all our rain is coming from. Enough already!