Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Surprising Calm

I have spent the last eight years bouncing from disbelief to fear to anger to sorrow. The country that always seemed to have a place for me and other outsiders seemed to grow increasingly unfriendly and downright dangerous. With torture, wiretapping, extraordinary rendition, climate change denial, the justice department full of political apparatchiks, family planning by religious fiat, war crimes, endless war and just old fashioned meanness, I found hope and grace difficult to hold on to. I was raised and educated to think and form opinions about politics and current events. While I was often in opposition to the powers that be, I always felt that change was just around the corner and that the people had a voice. Over the last eight years, that feeling of possibility diminished. Dread and fear replaced it. That is what made me feel that this election was about the life or death of this great experiment we call The United States. And, on election night, instead of an overwhelming sense of joy, I felt an awkward calm. One huge sigh of relief. Hope really can triumph over fear. Openness can replace repression. Our leaders can be the brightest, most curious and competent among us. The common good does have a place in our society. It's just the beginning, but what a great one it is. Many have said the adults are back in charge. I would like to think that a new genius pool like the one that started this country has manifested itself from the audacious will and hope of the American people. Yes, WE did it.

Albeit with a measured and healthy skepticism of those in power, we can now concentrate on the business of our daily lives.



BillsSundaySuppers said...

Amen! Great post!

Effie said...

Right on, Jim!

tonya said...

WOW! I log in looking for pictures of the 2008 Holiday (or Christmas or whatever) tree and instead I find this gift of a post. Thanks for the reminder of just how important Nov. 4th,2008 was.