Saturday, February 21, 2009


Calvin - 08/1994 to 02/21/09

Calvin died last night. Our vet, Dr. Gregg, called this morning to tell me that Calvin had passed away. We boarded Calvin and Leo at the vet this weekend as Calvin's health has been so erratic. He has been sick for a few weeks with several different problems. For those of you who have met him, I am sure you'll remember how much he talked. He was especially adept at getting people to give him treats. He and his brother Leo moved from Seattle to Atlanta with me in January 1996. Calvin is responsible for converting Bill into a cat person.

I will really really miss Calvin.


BillsSundaySuppers said...

Calvin did convert me. He was my baby, and I will miss talking to him. He had a great soul.

Effie said...

I'm sorry to hear about Calvin. It is so hard to lose a pet!

Bob said...

We will miss Calvin. Leo is going to be lonely without Calvin around.

BillsSundaySuppers said...

Calvin is home and now on the shelves with our "nice things"...