Friday, June 12, 2009

Slow Week

What a boring week. I'll post over the weekend. I wanted to find some music to start the weekend, but Youtube is so slow. Just like the week. I did get two new crowns today. Yippee.

What's going on in your life?


tonya said...

I've had a nasty virus for about 8 days now. I'm finally starting to feel like I can face a day, although get worn out pretty quickly. Other than that, pretty slow week in Fargo. Bob is thinking of brewing some beer this weekend...that is sort of exciting.

tonya said...

Incidentally -- I've checked WarroadRoots daily this week but never had much news to totally agree with the SLOW front.

Jim Wilson said...

I am sorry you have been sick. I am sure you checked and it wasn't h1n1. We're heading to the mountains tonight to see our friends Steve and Amado. Bill and our friend Cory floated in the pool today. I gardened.

Good luck to Bob on the beer making.