Saturday, January 8, 2011

On a lighter note....

Today has been a wonderful productive and in some ways lazy Saturday. I did laundry, took a walk, cleaned up around the house and then made a cup of tea and settled into one of my favorite activities - Reading Vanity Fair Magazine.

Each month they profile an up and coming actor who is a young break through talent. They site their age, where they are from and a bit about their childhood and current interests.

This month the actor is Garrett Hedlund - and under the fancy french term for "where are they from" also know as Provenance: it listed Roseau, MN.

He is currently appearing in Tron, Country Strong and is working on an adaptation of a Kerouac classic.

Anyway, I just thought it was too funny not to pass along. Apparently this family is not the only beautiful thing to come from the Warroad area. :)


tonya said...

Funny -- but we are all cuter. Our genes must be just a little better!! The whole Warroad/Roseau thing

Jim Wilson said...

I am sort of speechless. Perhaps it's too early.