Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Tensioned Filled Curling Match

In Fargo this morning, 2/17. Tonya curled last night. Each end was a battle of nerves and strategy. The second failed to get his guard rock past the hog line in end six thus setting up a disappointing and heartbreaking loss for Tonya's team. However, we are not without hope for triumph in the Bonspiel. If Tonya's team wins their 2:30 match today, they play in the final game tomorrow at 11. Stay tuned.


BillsSundaySuppers said...

Good luck Tonya! Wish I were there too. Kick butt and take names!

tonya said...

Thanks Bill! Would you believe -- the "don't spit your gum in the urinal" sign is gone!! It is a disaster waiting to happen.

Have safe travel home.

BillsSundaySuppers said...

see what happens when i am not there to take care of these things! well, i guess you will have to find a new place to spit your gum!

have fun!!