Sunday, June 10, 2007

Damn, I Guess I Have Been Served

The current state of the garden with approprate horticultural names and links. Step it up kids!

The Holly Hock (Alcea rosea) It usually doesn't do this well. I think it is the drought.

Leucothoe fontanesiana This shrub is great. It seems to weather anything.

Chipmunk proof pot with a weeping Japanese Maple (Acer p. dissectum Viridis). The chipmunks have been digging everywhere including in potted plants.

Blue Atlas Cedar (Cedrus libani atlantica glauca) This tree is so marvelous I keep thinking we should name it.

Last, oh, but not least. Gayfeather (Liatris scariosa) It's just getting started.

So, there you have it. Back to bulldozers tomorrow!


Monna said...

My liatris is barely up a foot. Each year in seems to get smaller. It must not be happy where it is at. Time to move it. I spend more time rearranging my garden. I have never had luck with holly hocks. Didn't Grandma Dorothy have those in the front of her house? I always loved her flower garden. She enjoyed mine when she came up here to visit. Too bad she just didn't get enough sun at David's to grow much.

Jim Wilson said...

I think Grandma had a lot of them. They were planted on the south side of her house where she got a lot of sun. Also, I think her soil was great. She did have a green thumb.

Shade gardening is a challenge. One has to accept foliage more than flowers.