Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Some of you know about NeoCon, the world's largest trade fair for commercial furnishings. We usually have several clients that exhibit at the show or have permanent showrooms in Chicago. This year we only have three clients at the show. In fact, we are only sending five people to Chicago. I am not going. It will be the first time in 10 years that I don't attend.

Anyway, we always do some sort of marketing promotion during the show. Most of the time it is some sort of item, book, notepad, etc. One year we delivered, to our clients hotel rooms, huge cookies with our logo on them. This year we are doing some printed materials that direct people to a blog (oh, like that's really surprising from you guys). We are trying to embrace the technology and experiment a little. So, here's the link. Check it out. NeoCon starts next Monday so we are still finalizing it. Feel free to comment.



tonya said...

So, my initial reaction was that it was a bit difficult to read.
I do like how the hyperlinks go from gray to red when you hover, but they sort of "get lost" in the gray.

I can't believe I'm giving designers that sort of feedback...What am I thinking? I must know that you guys like me so you just excuse my less refined taste:)

The history is great!!

Jim Wilson said...

That is great feedback. I am not wild about light letters on a dark background, but I think there is an attempt to be risky.

"non-designers" often give the most honest feedback. I will pass on your comments.