Thursday, February 7, 2008

Vote Julie!

In support of a moment of levity, here's a trailer from the film "Away From Her" starring the incredible Julie Christie. It is out on DVD now, and she is nominated for an Academy Award. Let's hope the academy votes for the strong female with experience! Rent or buy the movie now. It is incredibly poignant, and Julie Christie is incredibly beautiful, even at 67 years young...


Jim Wilson said...

Do you truly?
Do you Julie,
Love me?

Brilliant tear jerker movie. A must see.

tonya said...

So, this doesn't exactly describe "levity" to me Bill. But, it does look wonderful! Did you know that Lara is named for Julie Christie's character in Dr. Zhivago?

BillsSundaySuppers said...

I did not know that! Well, the levity was meant as a departure from the politico... No, it is not really a happy movie but beautiful and poignant! You should see it before the Oscars where she will win Best Actress. The movie put me on a Julie Christie kick, so we have been watching a lot of her movies. She is stunning and brilliant! Almost as talented as ON-J...

tonya said...

Jeez...too bad you weren't coming to Fargo next weekend, we could all go to the movie together!! I can't wait to see this movie now after you both have given it such rave reviews!