Wednesday, April 2, 2008

In case you hadn't heard

Grand Forks, North Datkoa will host Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton AND the 2008 Men's World Curling Championships this weekend. World Curling will last all week, Barack and Hillary will be in and out we suspect. Free tickets to the back-to-back speaking events are flying off the shelf. People from as far away as Canada and South Dakota are planning to attend. We are driving up at noon Friday wiht friends Maxine and Linda since doors open at 1 and we have to clear security and get a good seat for the Obama speech at 5:30. It is nearly too much for North Dakota to handle.....


Jim Wilson said...

How exciting! Maybe we'll get to see Obama when the general election starts. He already won Georgia so he won't be back. I want Hillary to drop out.

Jim Wilson said...

I humbly ask for a full report and a picture or two.

BillsSundaySuppers said...

Try to get a photo of them making out! You could even get that on TMZ!

tonya said...

Astounding that they are coming! Barack announced first and it was a big deal -- especiallly after the Republican'ts advertise the Secretary of Agriculture (former ND Gov. Ed Schaefer -- big deal). Then, not to be out-done, even though our caucus is over and Obama carried it, and we are traditionally a Republican voting state (for Gov and Pres) Hillary announced she was coming.

Bill, I'll do my best to get a picture of them kissing, although I'm not sure we are sticking around for Hillary -- maybe will go watch curling....Hmmm