Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thanks to all for the support and prayers!

I added this as a comment to Jim's prior post, but thought I'd post it out for everyone (even the non-comment readers) to see!

That is is a great post! To quote Theone as she listened to the song "I can just see him walking around". And at the end she says "And then jump in the fire".

Rick, thank you for adding Theone to the Refuah prayer list! And thank you for sharing the prayer and what it means. We really appreciate that and the prayers of the Beth David community!

Bill, so gum in the toilet...but I'll watch her closely.

She is quite the patient let me tell you.

Again, thanks to everyone.


Rick said...

I figured they should do something for all the money we pay to be part of that temple!

Oy! Does that sound Jewish or what?

Monna said...

Thanks for the update. Loved the song. It's nice to be transported back to fun times with family. Those ranger sing-alongs were always fun.