Monday, December 7, 2009

Jim "Parenting"

We had a great time with Uncle Jim this weekend. I think Jim was a little smitten with Piper. He loved holding on to her while she slept. Here is a photo of Jim "parenting" with Piper.


Thanks for coming to visit us!
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Hans said...

Jill - Can you shed some light on Jim's definition of "parenting" for example, does it include diaper changing?

Bob said...

Jim, you do look pretty comfortable there.

Jim Wilson said...

Hey now. I took care of Piper for hours at a time. It was a breeze. Piper gave off a lot of good energy. My heart felt better for it.

Tatum also gave off a tremendous amount of energy. I wish I could bottle it. I will post some Art Project video soon. A great visit.

I didn't change any diapers. But, we did talk about poop a lot.