Thursday, January 31, 2008


Is anyone watching the Democratic debate? For me, it is very exciting because I think we are looking at our next president! I have been torn between the two. Obama, obviously, has natural charisma. However, Hillary is articulate, knowledgeable and gracious. She is showing incredible grace under fire, and that is a prerequisite for our next president. Either candidate will make history as president, but perhaps it comes down to gender in a weird way. At the end of the day, Obama is a male – albeit a black male. But the "male" mentality is not necessarily what we need right now. Hillary knows how Washington works, but she has the "balls" to see things through. Pardon my chrassness, but it's true. I like them both, but I think I would sleep better at night with Hillary in charge. I admire her courage, and she has risen to the challenge. I'm just not sure that Obama, with all his charisma, could truly be a commander in chief when push comes to shove. Like Hillary said, "It takes a Clinton to clean up after a Bush!" I'm for Hillary and excited about Obama, and that's okay.


Jim Wilson said...

I agree that Hillary is spot on tonight. Wolf Blitzer is trying to create conflict and they are not biting. Good for them.

I would be ok with either one. In fact, I am so torn, I don't know what I will do next Tuesday. Today, I voted for Obama in the MoveOn poll. Now, I am leaning toward Hillary.

I always say at work, "I would rather have to figure out how to handle to much as opposed to not enough." Two great candidates. A nice problem to have.

BillsSundaySuppers said...

One more observation, and I am not sure if this is relevant or not. But, look at Chelsea Clinton. One has to wonder what has transpired behind the scenes. She personifies dignity, grace and poise. What role did her mother play? We will never know, but someone had a positive influence. Hillary or Bill? Again, my vote is Hillary.

Rick said...

Hillary not making a gaffe is a win for her. She'll be up about 300 delegates after Tuesday, and then it will just be a question of whether Obama wants to sign on, or delay the inevitable.

Jim Wilson said...

Clinton/Obama is unbeatable. Bill told me Man Coulter endorsed Hillary over old-man Dole. Oops, I mean old-man mccain. I don't think that's an endorsement she wants.

Hans said...

I appreciate Obama and believe he will make a great candidate in 8 years.

By spending 8 years as first lady Hillary is automatically more prepared to hit the ground running.

This may sound overly simplistic - but given the damage that has been done in the last 8 years - I want a nominee who spends Jan. 20th 2009 getting to work - not getting aquainted with how the secret service will control thier lives.

Hillary has the experiance to do the job - and the record that shows she will stand up for core democratic prinicples.

Im happy that we have two strong candidates - but I am only confident that one of them can get the job done.

Democrats have a great deal to loose in this election. If we choose someone who motivates voters, but fails to deliver we are handing the White House to the Republicans in 2012.

I want to ride the blue wave longer than that!

Jim Wilson said...

Nice to see you post Hans. I appreciate your "front line" viewpoint.