Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Hampshire - Part Deux

I know there are many ways to analyze the results. Having watched all the speeches, I think the visuals speak loudly. They may be staged, but they are staged on both sides. So, who understands the make-up of America?

Romney - white people mostly blond - wants to change Washington - What does that mean?
Huckabee - old white men, one white woman - Janet Huckabee wants a summer house in New Hampshire
McCain - one old white man - a very boring speech - and he's the winner?
Guiliani - old white men saying it was good for him to finish 1% above Ron Paul

Richardson - Hispanic man, white woman old white man - didn't show much of speech
Edwards - White woman introduces, young mostly white, black people - same speech as Iowa - Also, Mike the cute plumber from Desperate Housewives.
Obama - White people, black people, old people, young people - a great runner-up speech - the new majority!
Clinton - asian, indian, white, black, women, men, young and old - not as inspiring as Obama, but he is a tough act to follow.

May they all stay safe.

Whatcha think?


BillsSundaySuppers said...

I think Hillary was totally caught off guard and did not have time to really change her speech. At times, it sounded more like a concession than victory speech. Still, I think here message is good and the most Democratic of all. I liked her opener: "I listened to you and, in the process, found my voice." I think she has been humbled by the process, but I know she is a fighter. Obama, on the other hand, is a great orator. His sounded more like a victory speech, but I think he had a couple of introductions written in advance. He has amazing charisma and reminds me of MLK in his delivery: "yes we can!" I still think a Clinton/Obama ticket in any combination is unbeatable. Overall, the Democrats are SO much more interesting than the white guys on the Republican side! It appears that Democrats are showing up to vote in much larger numbers than Republicans, so that is a good sign!

Rick said...

I thought Obama was faking a Southern accent, trying to sound more King-like. When I lived in his district in Chicago, he sounded like he was vaguely from Chicago with a more generic midwesterny sounding voice.

My sister was in the audience at his speech, she sounded bummed.

Me? I'm just glad there's no coronation. It didn't benefit Gore or Kerry not to have to show their stuff first.

Plus, sorry--I like Teh Hillz.

My reservations about Obama are reiterated, as is my willingness to support him, but we need someone who can pull off miracles like last night if we're going to get things done.

If Obama proves he can comeback and campaign too, fine. If not, he'd better start working on getting on the bottom of the ticket.

Jim Wilson said...

I don't think you can underestimate the Clinton machine and Bill's political instinct. I have to agree that Hillary is still the one even though I falter occasionally.

Have you heard what Chris Matthews said this morning? Several of the liberal blogs like dailykos have it.

Rick said...

Yeah -- she became a senator because her husband messed around. How does that jackass get away with that kind of b.s.?

Remember she was criticized for being the actual president when Bill was first elected--now she's just riding his coattails.

She can't win. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. I'm sure we're going to start hearing about how she's not doing as well in the head-to-head polls as Obama....

Well, to invoke Rumsfeld that's because we have known knowns with Hillary but only known unknowns with Obama.

Even if he wins the election, he can expect to be SwiftBoated, and people might stop saying they'll vote for him just to not feel racist.

People might get tired of feeling sorry for Hillary, too--but they're sure making it easy right now.

BillsSundaySuppers said...

Kerry endorsed Obama today instead on Edwards. Could be the kiss of death...

Unknown said...

Kiss of death for Obama or Edwards? Maybe both?!?!

Jim Wilson said...

All I know is I have a cold. I had one cold in my life and since evolution is false, I don't know how I can keep getting the same virus. Clearly, viruses can't evolve. Maybe there is no such thing as an immune system. I am going to lobby the local school board to stop teaching about the "supposed" human immune system because I don't feel well.