Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sunday in The Park With George(an)

Georgean, Teddy and Debbie's family invited us up to the farm on Sunday afternoon. It was nice to see everyone. Denise, Monna, Brian, Howard, Betty, Ryan and his wife were there as well as some other family friends. A good turn out. Activities for the kids included gunny sack races, three-legged races and something called duck and goose. It was nice afternoon at the park like farm. Next time you are in Seattle ask Tim to take you to see the billy goat, Blackjack.

The following photo is not from the farm. It's from my visit to Caffe Vita this morning, 8/4. I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.


Effie said...

This sounds like an old-fashioned family reunion! Those were the good old days.

Jim Wilson said...

It was a great way to have a reunion.

tonya said...

Is there a reason for the Lion on the farm? Seems a bit out of context

Jim Wilson said...

The lion are there to protect. I love 'em.