Saturday, May 19, 2007

Jim's New Mower Movie!

Here's a video of Jim using his new electric mower for the first time! Another exciting day in Canton, Georgia! Jill and Tim are visiting tonight on their way to Puerto Rico. Should be fun!


Jim Wilson said...

A lot to do in Canton, GA.

tonya said...

Must be the angle because it appeared you mowed the same strip about three times.

The pool looks awesome! The fence looks really nice. We better get down there while the pool is open.

It was 38 degrees here this morning when Bob and I worked selling brauwurst and chips and pop at the local grocery store to raise money for the curling club. Things are very exciting in Fargo.

I'm going to have to remember to video more of this excitement to post here.

Jim Wilson said...

It's 48 degrees here this morning. Much too cold. It's going to be 82 today so nice in the end.

Jill and Tim were here last night. They are on their way to Puerto Rico. It was great to see them. The mother-to-be is showing.

Monna said...

That was very exciting. Kind of sounds like a Hoover. I will have to video Brian shoveling 10 yds of compost and me spreading it on thick! I will post when it is all done. We had a record rainfall yesterday. My rain barrel is filling up.

Jim Wilson said...

Oh, if we could only get some rain. Today we had thick smoke from the fire in Southeast Georgia.