Tuesday, May 15, 2007


The magnolia trees are flowering. Some of the flowers are almost a foot across. We have several trees that are blooming. They are amazing. The flowers don't last long, but are pretty while they last.

The bud.

The flower


Effie said...

Your flowers are so beautiful! Wish I were there to see them

Our clematis and our cactus are all blooming beautifully. We decided to save water, so we xeroscaped (I think that's the word) our yard.

/Users/effieblubaugh/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2007/Roll 243/DSC_0184.JPG

Effie said...

Your flowers are so beautiful! Wish I were there to see them

Our clematis and our cactus are all blooming beautifully. We decided to save water, so we xeroscaped (I think that's the word) our yard.

Effie said...

How do you insert photos?

Effie said...

I'm incompetent with this. It is actually xeriscape.

Jim Wilson said...

I don't think you can insert photos in comments. I haven't figured it out anyway. You have to do a new post. You should have that permission on this blog. Let me know if you need to be invited again.

I have read about xeriscape. Good for you. I am not quite there yet. Although, I am trying to stay somewhat native.