Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Exciting Life!

We bought a neuton electric lawnmower to try and do our part for the environment. Gasoline powered mowers etc emit a tremendous amount of pollution. Blah. Blah. Blah. Anyway, here is the new mower. I'll tell you how it works after I use it. The battery is charging right now.


BillsSundaySuppers said...

"we" equals "jim"...btw

tonya said...

Come on Bill...everyone needs to do their part for the environment. Global climate change will get us all soon.

Bob is building a electric powered lawn mower that re-charges with solar energy. He needs the special motor and is on the list to get one, so we'll keep you all updated on that project.

I guess since I haven't given in to the project car idea this "building a mower that is solar charged" is the next best thing.