Thursday, August 30, 2007

My adventure

Well it isn't Asia but it will be an adventure just the same. As I am always trying to sell my products and looking for new venues I came across a huge flea market/festival in Packwood, WA. (It is by Mt. Rainier near Ohanapakosh...should sound familiar to Jim & Effie, we used to camp there) The whole town shuts down and vendors line the streets and parking lots. Festival is in its 25th year and gets lots of tourists. I am staying with 2 other gals in the Seasons Motel. Not the Four Seasons I'm sure. Pictures to follow.
I am recovering from a back injury which has my siatic nerve screaming. Very painful first week. So no tennis or golf since beginning of July. I thought I was ready to resume my athletics but I had another flareup. Unloading the dryer of all things.
I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my grandchild. 2 more months.


Jim Wilson said...

sorry about your back. No fun at all. Good luck with the sale.

tonya said...

Sounds like a great sale...and a beautiful spot. And sorry about the back, I can so appreciate what you are going through. Just as a fact, many back injuries occur doing household chores -- vacuuming is a big culprit.