Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Xanadu Review

Ok, I promise that this will be MY last post on Xanadu and NYC. The show was great fun. If you are in New York this year or whenever, go see it. It's an hour and a half of what Broadway is all about.

Madonna provides the music for my slide show so go buy some of her stuff because I feel a little guilty over the copyright issue. Although, I did buy this song.

Yes, that is James Blunt. He was on our flight to NYC that was diverted to Baltimore for fuel.

And, the Barneys' Warehouse sale was unbelievable.

Here you go.


tonya said...

Bill -- this is awesome! I love the forks. Would they be "grand" forks? HA -- a little North Dakota humor:)

Showing my rural-ness, who is James Blunt? Is he related to Roy Blunt?

Jim Wilson said...

Tonya, my dear, this is my post and my pics. I have pride of postings. I hadn't really thought about it being Grand Forks, but we could say that.

James Blunt - Your Beautiful is one of his main hits - he is very top 40 pop

tonya said...

Oh my -- I'm sorry Jim. I got the post credit with this and Boca mixed up. You are so right.

It is still awesome! And clearly, I need to get out more...I don't know James Blunt or Moulin Rouge or whatever. It is really nice to know that you guys still like me even though I'm not hip.