Saturday, January 5, 2008

A Storm at the Storms

Yesterday was a whirlwind. Here are the highlights:
- Water (a lot of it!) blowing into our garage and house through the not quite perfect seals on the doors. Finally we sandbagged it and managed to stop most of the water.
- Gusts of wind up to 100 mph. At one point Jon-Erik was worried the windows would break.
- No power for 24 hours - came back on at 3:00PM today.
- Still no cable TV or internet. We are using our cell modem card.
- It is raining again and from the looks of the radar, we are going to get it all night.
- Dogs. Bathroom. Outside. Wet and muddy paws. Need I say more?
It has been interesting around here. At least it wasn't a blizzard or levee break. We are supposed to have over 5" of rain by the time it is all over. We need it, but wow!


Effie said...

We're are glad you are all safe! Keep warm!

Jim Wilson said...

Wow! I am glad you are all ok.

BillsSundaySuppers said...

Oops Lara! Sorry about my previous post. Send some rain our way...

tonya said...

Wow! Crazy. You guys be safe. I don't like the word sandbagging....that brings back horrible memories. And we think about it each year as spring approaches, so...we are thinking of you.