Monday, July 21, 2008

My Birthday Weekend

Thanks for all the birthday greetings. I had a great weekend capped off by a 4 hour planning and zoning meeting today. Saturday, we went to Bachanalia clearly the best restaurant in Atlanta and one of the best in the U.S. Impeccable is The best word to describe it. We spent both Saturday and Sunday in the pool. It's in the 90's here, the water is in the 80's so it was very nice.

Today, there was a public hearing on a proposal to annex 900 acres into the city. The whole project would double the number of residences in the city. Now, it's a 20 year build out, but we already have an inventory of 8,000 available lots to be built upon. Oy Vey! Anyway, I voted against it. The vote was 4 pro 3 against. Well, the developers won't like me, but most of the citizens will. I'll sleep better with that support.

Again, thanks for the birthday greetings. That Tatum sure knows what to wear.


BillsSundaySuppers said...

Commissioner Wilson was the voice of reason at the public hearing tonight! Such wisdom for a young man...

I was very proud of him as was our neighbors. Even though the vote did not go our way, he paved the way for logic and civil disobedience.

Peace out.

Bob said...

Happy Birthday Jim! What a nice way to cap off your birthday, by voting in favor of the people rather than voting in favor of business. Your heart and your mind are in the right place, a true sign of wisdom and character.

Jim Wilson said...
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