Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I walked outside Monday and saw this wonderful flower. I planted it last year and it came back. It's a Mallow of some sort. What's strange is that I couldn't remember what it was and then all of the sudden it came to me. Strange how the mind works. We are getting rain again today. It's been stormy with rain almost everyday now. Certainly a gift from the universe. Obama has been in Atlanta for a couple days. Maybe the drought is over in more ways than one.

On another note, check out Hickory Creek Dam blog (link to your right). I added a friends of the dam slide show. It's an incentive to come and visit so you get your picture in the slide show. I know. I know. Big incentive there Jim.


tonya said...

I visited the Log Creek Dam site. Thought we might see ourselves in the slideshow...maybe you haven't gone back that far yet.

We have some great photos from our trip to the old cabin site. I'll get busy and get posting.

Jim Wilson said...

Do you have any pictures? I didn't find any of you. If you have one, please send me it so I can put it in the slide show.

BillsSundaySuppers said...

Great photo!