Thursday, April 19, 2007

Critter Control

We have had some sort of creature in our attic.....oh since Jim was here for my birthday. Tim pretented like I was hearing things, neither one of us really wanted to crawl up there to see what it was. Tim finally called this local company called "critter control" to come check it out. Come to find out a mama squirrel decided to have babies in our attic insulation. Isn't that sweet. To the tune of $169 for the "trap set-up" and $49.99 per squirrel, critter control can "eliminate" our attic residence. We now have 4 traps nailed to our roof and we are constantly checking the traps to see if there are any squirrels. Tim said it's similiar to seeing presents under the christmas tree. Once the squirrels find their new homes in the traps then we call "critter control" and they come back to pick up the squirrels. Del, the critter control man showed up at our house in a big yellow truck with critter control written all over the sides and in the back was a very pissed off raccoon that kept hissing. We should all be thankful for our current jobs, can't imagine doing that for a living. Will keep you posted on the the traps.


Jim Wilson said...

One of my best friends, Shafel, always talks about the homeowner blues. Having to call critter control would certainly cause that.

I can remember hearing about squirrels getting into the cabin at Rainy Lake. They can be very destructive little creatures.

tonya said...

Maybe I now get the Free Rocky video! Also, my brother and his friend once killed and cooked a squirrel to see what it tasted like...not recommended I guess.

Good luck with critter removal. We could send out Cocoa...she'd love to help.