Thursday, April 5, 2007

East Main Street Update 4/5/07

I attended the city council meeting tonight. The city council approved a 45 day moratorium on building permits in the Central Business District (CBD). They are going to advertise a public hearing where a new CBD zoning ordinance will be presented. Then it will go before the council for 2 readings and then voted upon. We don't know what the ordinance is yet.

Last October all sides (city, our neighborhood and the people who want the block to go commercial) reached an agreement at a council meeting on how to handle the block in question. Then, the other side decided that they didn't like if after all and proposed a new agreement. Then, the Mayor asked us to try and negotiate an agreement. That proved to be impossible. We finally realized that the Mayor and council wanted to avoid making a decision. They wanted us to, in essence, get them off the hook. We decided that we had already compromised with the October agreement and that we were done negotiating and running up the legal bill. Now, maybe the city will have to go on the record on the issue. What a concept.

I wonder why after months and months, they are now going to make a decision. Could it be that the Mayor and some of the council are up for election in November 2007? Nah, politics would never play into it.

The bulldozer is gone and the stop work order is still posted at one of the houses. The trees still stand. Power to the people.

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