Saturday, April 21, 2007


A coworker of mine has chickens on Vashon (Jim's old stomping ground). He brought in these fresh eggs to work. Aren't the cool looking! Tim's making scrambled eggs right now with them, can't wait to taste them.


BillsSundaySuppers said...

So Martha Stewart! Hope they taste as good as they look! Enjoy!

Jim Wilson said...

I have this weird thing about eating eggs that aren't white or brown. If I don't know the color of the shell, no big deal.

The Ma and Pa Kettle movies were based on the book, The Egg and I. It was written about Vashon Island. The writer lived there.

Vashon Island was name after the First Mate of Captain George Vancouver.

Now you know.

tonya said...

Thank you Paul Harvey; for "the rest of the story"

The eggs are indeed beautiful. Hope they were tasty.

Jim Wilson said...

I seem to always have to have the last word. HMMMMM. Therapy session topic.