Thursday, September 17, 2009

What house is this?

Debby and I took a road trip today. Anyone know what movie this house was in? is in South Carolina. We started out with two navigation systems Debby's iphone and Monnas vz navigator... Quite the battery went dead and Debby's was low. I am enjoying my visit with the girls. Juliana and I cooked dinner while Debby & Ronaldo went to open house at Mads school. there are 970 kids in her elementary school. Tomorrow Juliana, 6th grade is spending the day at Lowes International Speedway. They get to watch a race and meet drivers and tech guys. 500 kids going. There is some rain forcast though. Francesca has joined key club and culinary club. she is a freshman and adjusting (sort of) missing everybody and everything from Seattle. She did buy a sweatshirt with the school logo. The schools they are attending are rated the top in Charlotte...Debby (former PTA pres) said the PTA budget is $151,000 Amazing hers was $17,000 in Shoreline. Ronaldo likes leaving work GMAC promptly at 5pm. He was puzzled at first but now has adjusted.
There is lots of shopping and corporate business parks
around here.


tonya said...

Gone with the Wind....that is my guess. Sounds like a fun excursion!

Effie said...

I think Forrest Gump!

Jim Wilson said...

I thought maybe it was designing women but that house was in Little Rock Arkansas. I vote with Effie.

Denise said...

Was it the Notebook or the bigh chill? I also think it could be Forest Gump? So tell us

Denise said...

Okay if it was Health Ledger it Must of beenthe Patroit

Monna said...

Way to go Denise. The house was in the scene where Mel Gibson & Heath Ledger were watching the battle below. Brattonsville, SC. sight of Hucks Defeat.