Tuesday, September 22, 2009

When It Rains...

Unfortunately, Monna did not get to experience the Sunny South for her birthday visit! Instead, she was here for the Great Atlanta Flood of 2009. Some parts of Atlanta had up to 18" of rain over 7 days. We had around a foot here in Canton. We had some water in our basement at home, and the office has been leaking all week. However, we are fortunate compared to many people in the ATL Metro. We were taking Monna to Going Coastal for her birthday dinner, but the restaurant was flooded! So, she got to dine at Canton's newest fine Italian restaurant instead! Supposedly, more rain is on the way through the weekend. This photo is from Heritage park in Canton. There are usually walking trails and grass in the park, but we may have to replace them with canoeing and boat ramps!

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